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The Services

What does the Register Owner do?

The Register Owner provides a unique REG No. identifying your item. As the name indicates, it is a register of ownership.

The service is offered via an App on your phone and online.

After registration, the ownership of your item is traceable for anyone.

A finder may contact you for free immediately, which makes it easy to return your item to you.

It gives your item protection against theft.

What is the Register Owner Service?

The Register Owner Service is the different services provided by the Register Owner App.

This includes the following services:

  • Register owner/user (free)
  • Update owner info (free)
  • Register item (free)
  • Buy a register no. (has a fee)
  • Update item info (free)
  • Create item history (free)
  • Change owner (free)
  • Trace owner of an REG No. or ID/Serial No. (free)
  • Contact owner (free)
  • Design marking label (free)

What ‘International Theft Protection' is offered?

You will be registered as the item’s owner. Even if the REG No. is removed, any Serial No. of the item may be traced. This will make it easy to trace the item back to you for as long as it is registered. As long as you do not willingly sell the item, it may never be traded unrestricted in any market worldwide.

What is the ‘Item Return Service’?

Any finder may easily trace an item’s owner. They will in-App be offered to freely contact the owner without delay. Even if you are anonymous when you register keys and safety items, the in-App messenger will allow the finder and the owner to communicate. A place of return may then be agreed.

The Benefits

How is the 2nd hand theft value removed?

As it is always possible to trace the ownership, there is no market for the stolen item. The seller or anyone that has this item in their possession will always be known as a thief, and as having an item belonging to someone else. No one will be fooled into buying an item in good faith.

Is the 2nd hand sales value removed?

No! You may even boost the sales value, as your item now has a life history. You may always change the ownership via the safe log in mode in the Register Owner App free of charge.

My I sell my REG No.?

Yes! The Register Owner will not be part of that deal. You and the market decide the price. Use the Register Owner Service to safely change the owner for free.

What is a multi-purpose REG No.?

A multi-purpose REG No. is a REG No. for marking many items. Any item given this REG No. may be traced back to you as the owner.

A multi-purpose REG No. is general in nature. The best organized use will be for item categories. Categories may be Sport, Books, Pets, etc.

Use a multi-purpose REG No. only for items you do not plan to sell.

What are the drawbacks of a multi-purpose REG No.?

If you sell any item that is registered with a multi-purpose REG No. the new owner of the REG No. will be registered as the owner of all the items registered with this multi-purpose REG No.

You will not build any item history with a multi-purpose REG No.

What is a dedicated REG No.?

A dedicated REG No. is the full registration of a unique item. It is like a Serial No. for this item.

What is a Gold reg. no.?

A ‘Gold’ number is a unique, rare or desirable registration number. It can contain the same digit or letter repeated, in a sequence, or in the form of a well-known word, brand, etc.

Should I go for a pre- registered product or register my belongings by myself?

A pre- registered item from the producer and re-seller is preferred by the end-user.

When a pre-registered item is not available, you will get full protection when you register and mark it yourself.


Finder & Best Practices

Why not just write my name on the Item?

1) The REG No. in the Register gives the finder a fast way of contacting you for free. With no hurdles to contact the owner it is much more likely to be a fast return.

2) The REG No. may change the owner and add to the value of your item. Any buyer will then not be discouraged from buying your item because you have your name on it.

What is a clean REG No.?

A clean REG No. is a REG No. without any item history and is not attached to any item.

A clean REG No. has an owner, and may be used at any time for an item.

Anyone who knows this REG No. may contact the owner for free in-App.

The only information registered with a clean REG No. is the date of purchase/last change and the owners email address.

Why buy a clean REG No.?

When registering an item for the first time, you need a clean registration number.

Buying a new clean REG No. is also a way to:

    • invest in selling the REG No. at a later date.
    • make sure you get the special REG No. you would like without having an item to register at a given time.

Some people like having a REG No. that is the same as their name, and use their date of birth as the REG No. or one that has certain numbers. Others might like to give a special REG No. as a gift to a dear friend.

What information is available for regular finders, insurance companies and the Police?

Any finder may see the information the owner has ticked to be visible for the finder. The minimum information that is visible is the last date the item was registered. But always remember: This is an open register, the content is visible to anyone, so please never enter any secret or privileged information not intended for public view. For anonymous owners, please see the guidelines at Anonymous page.

The Police and insurance companies may receive extra information if the owner has provided more information than shown, when required. To get extra information may be achieved by contacting the Register Owner Service on the About page.

Necessary and sensitive documents must be sent in the post. As the Register Owner is related to all Police stations and Police records in the world, the Police also have to document their authenticity. Documentation has to be in English, if not in a Scandinavian language.

My Business

Who may offer the Register Owner Service?

Any business that would like to offer their customers the use of the Register Owner Service is welcome to do so, for free. To get started, please look at the Business page.

What is needed to offer a 3rd party service based on the Register Owner Service?

  1. You need to be connected to the Internet.
  2. To register as a new user/owner at the Register Owner App (free)
  3. A smartphone or computer.

What is ‘item history’?

From day one of registration you document the life of your item. It may first be registered by the producer, later by a shop, and then by every single owner. This way your item has an online life story, adding to its value, and proving you are the owner.

What does the item history do for the item’s value?

The full life story will document the origin of your item, to the present day. For some items it may be important to prove ethical production and trading methods. For art, and precious and valuable items, the full history will not only prove the rightful owner, but will also give secure documentation and the inside story on the item’s journey.

How long is my item registered at the Register?

For life! And beyond – if you go deluxe! All registrations have long life. You are free to delete the registration anytime. You are also free to prolong the registration for as long as you like. Even if the item expires, the REG No. may be reused for another item.

What rights do I have as a REG No. holder?

All rights, for as long as you like. You own the REG No. It is yours. You may use any of the Register Owner Services for free. Change owner, and sell the REG No. for any price you like. The Register Owner will never interrupt in trading a REG No., updating item information, etc., we only encourage the use of our services.

If the Register Owner finds a REG No. no longer has an owner and is not able to get in contact with the owner for 10 years, the Register Owner has the right to clean the REG No. and make it available on the market again.

Why are there different one-off fees for a REG No.?

A regular automatically generated REG No. is for everyday use. Shorter numbers may be used for more exclusive items like jewelry. There are fewer short numbers. In fact, there are only 35 numbers for the whole world with one digit/letter, i.e. 1-9 or A-Z.

Do you plan to increase the €4.90 cost for the registration number?

We plan to keep the low cost until the register is well known worldwide. We are deliberately keeping the price low to make it possible to register in low cost areas. This low cost also makes it a desirable add-on service for any national registers and an invitation to cooperate, not merely a competitive service.

Do I need international protection when I am registered nationally?

The Register Owner will add valuable services to any national register service. Most national registers does not offer the Item Return Service to any ordinary Finder. As your Item may be registered with an ID / Serial No. this may be used to enter the given registration identification in the national registration register. This way the Register Owner is merely an extension of the service. If the national register has an REG No. of 8 digits or less you may even manually select the same REG No. with Register Owner if it is still available.

How will my customers benefit if my business provides the Register Owner Service?

  1. Only the producer and the shop may offer the authentic start and an item’s full life history.
  2. Customers get fast and effective access to the registration.
  3. International theft protection.
  4. Item return service.
  5. Increased 2nd hand sales value.
  6. A Long Life REG No.


How can my business inform others of the service we provide?

On the Download page there is a card you may use at your checkout desk. You may also use different downloads to make your own sign.

You are free to use the Register Owner logo in any advertisements or campaigns you have for your business.

When can my business use the Register Owner logo?

The logo may be used for any positive promotions and information regarding the service provided.

May I change the Register Owner logo?

No. The logo may not be changed, but you may use the icon logo separately from the logo’s text.

Why are there two different logo layouts for download?

The logo’s layout is made to fit different backgrounds and needs. Make sure to use the one giving you the best representation.

What are the different file formats at download intended for?

PDF – a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. For printing on paper.

JPEG – is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images. For inserting into documents and on websites.

PNG – is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. For inserting into documents and on websites.

SVG – an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.

EPS – a PostScript document with additional restrictions which is intended to be used in graphics file format.


I have inherit a REG No. but have no login info for the Register Owner. What shall I do?

Please contact the Register Owner via the About page. We will guide you and inform you about the required legal documentation. Please send your claim in the post.

Will the Register Owner use the information in the contact form for spamming?

No. We will only use contact information to answer your questions and to communicate with you.

Will I ever get marketing info from any 3rd parties?

The Register Owner will never sell or give your information to any 3rd party.

What is the e-mail address and postal address of the Register Owner Services?

You can find the e-mail address and postal address of the Register Owner on the About page.


Log In

Why is a login needed for the Register Owner?

When registering as an owner a login is also generated. Your login is then a safe place to register your new items, or to change already registered information. Keep your login information private.

What is the difference between registering as an owner and registering an item?

Identifying yourself as an owner is the first step to using the Register Owner. Registering as an owner is free. You are then as logged in ready to make safe registrations of the items you own and would like to protect.

Item registration requires that an owner registration is completed.

Why do I not get access to register an item when I’m not logged in?

Registration of Item has to be connected to an Owner. To get the right connection it is needed to login.

Third-Party Services

What is a service provider?

service provider is anyone that offers the Register Owner to their customers or any third-party business that offers services supporting the Register Owner Service.

How do I find the right Service provider?

You may find service providers in the Register Owner listing. If you know of any good services that may be helpful for the users of the Register Owner Service, please contact us.

How do I become an official service provider?

Please Contact Us, giving us your full contact information. Tell us about your business and the service you like to offer.

Will there be any fees for the Register Owner Service?

Apart from the fee for the REG No. and extending a registration, there is no fee for any service offered by the Register Owner.

Where are the Register Owner Services available?

The Register Owner App is the main tool for using the Register Owner Services.

The website will offer the main service and provides the most important services for businesses that offer the Register Owner Service.

The short web address directs any finder directly to the find owner service online.



What is the best way to mark my item?

To ensure your registration marking is as cheap as possible, use a multi-purpose REG No. for as many items as possible. To create the item history, grow value and get a unique REG No. that you may sell individually use a dedicated REG No.

For marking techniques, see the full overview on the Marking page.

Mr Gear’s homemade engraving technique is not recommended as safety precautions have to be taken that the Register Owner cannot comment on.

[* ]

May there be any security matters in marking?

 It is recommended to use a – [hyphen] before and after the reg. no. and to avoid spaces, as no additional digits should be added. Ex.: -52186-

Is marking needed?

If your item has any other identification marking that is registered within the Register Owner, this will always be traceable by the Register Owner. Without the marking it may not occur to the finder to search the Register. Minimum marking is the web address

Does the Register Owner provide the marking?

No. You may design a label in the Register Owner App and print it yourself or order a professional sticker from our Service Provider partners. How you mark your item will be depending on the item you have.


Why should I use the address on markings?

Often a short web address will be handy, especially for engraving. WNR.NO also takes any finder directly to the search for the owner.

Anonymous & Multi Purpose

Can I be an anonymous user of the Register Owner?

Yes, and if you register safety items like keys we suggest you remain anonymous. It is when registering your item that you can set the information that a finder will see. Never enter information not intended for the public view into the register. Learn how to get an anonymous email address.

What is an owner?

An owner is a unique email address, registered in the Register Owner. Together with the email address, an owner gives enough information to be contacted by any finder and will also get the international protection for all items connected to the owner’s profile.

May I register as an owner more than once?


You may register any email address as separate owner profiles.

Will there be any connection between my different owner registers?

No. Every profile is kept separate, and has a separate login.

Why have more than one owner registration?

You may like to separate the anonymous and the full identify profiles as separate profiles, to simplify the selection of information to show when you register your item.

If you have your pet protected, you may like a much more direct and open contact and return, than for your safety item like your keys.

Every owner profile is free of charge.

May I use my REG No. for several items?

Any dedicated REG No. may be transferred into a multi-purpose REG No.

With a dedicated REG No. it is not recommended to use it for several items, even though this is legal.

If the REG No. on your item does not match the Serial No. and is of a different nature than the registered item, this may confuse the finder.

May I use a dedicated REG No. for a different or new item?

Yes! You may reuse your REG No.

If you have used the REG No. already, you are advised to delete the item history.

All updating of the information is done for free in the Register Owner App.
